Kalsubai Shikhar

       Located in Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra, The Kalsubai peak is truly a trekker's paradise. With a cosmic height of 1646 meters it impales into the sky leaving the clouds grounded. Situated in the middle of Bari village, the Kalsubai peak holds the legend of a young tribal girl named Kalsu who walked to the very top of the mountain after getting angry on an unwanted marriage proposal and lived there for as long as anyone can remember.


        I started my trip early on 24th December from Pune and reached the Bari village by 3 pm, had lunch in the folksy hotel nearby, freshened up in a dorm room and headed towards the camping site which was half way up the peak. The trek began by passing through the tribal village and crossing a small wheat field. It was very rustic as if returning to a 50 s village.


      Started climbing and it was relatively easy. [So even if you are a beginner you'll do just fine] It was a slope upwards with farm land on it's side in the beginning and as I moved forward it started to be surrounded by trees. On the way up I noticed many tribal women climbing the mountain barefoot in a jiffy! There are several lemonade stalls on the way up for tired trekkers. It took me about an hour to reach the camping site. It was a plain land; From the edge of the land the view of the valley was mesmerizing, it was lush with green and filled with tranquility. The mountain in the front had caves, in which tigers were supposed to be living according to the local folks. Some of them even shared the stories of how the wild animals were a grave dangers to the cattle of the villagers and had recently hunted a herd of goats three days prior. Enjoyed the local stories with the warm sips of chai and a teeny tiny fear of the wild animals.


Camping site

     As the evening got closer, the temperature began to drop and it got pretty windy. So I recommend carrying a blanket or a shawl especially in winters. A campfire was lit and everybody relaxed for a while.

      We sat under the dark sky gazing into the twinkling stars, witnessing numerous of shooting stars and a Moon rise!                                                                  
        Took a small nap in the tent and got ready for the other half of the trek at 4am. It was completely dark and quiet. We began climbing through the rocky pathway and crossed some tacky ladders. Everything at the dawn time seems soo scary yet artistic. Considering that the mountain was a result of a great volcanic eruption and erosion of the Deccan plateau, it wisely stands still and calm, just like a monk with an agonizing past. Every possible light from the faraway villages, cities and even highways were clearly visible from the top.

Almost up there

        Slowly and steadily I reached the top of the peak to eyewitness the most beautiful sunrise of my life. As the sun rose from the horizon the sky lit up and we were above the clouds breathing the crisp fresh oxygen and air of happiness/achievement. The view was beyond compare and it was a lifetime experience, one should truly encounter! The wind was strong as ever, the atmosphere was clear as the wave of clouds was below the peak. Everybody got busy in clicking pictures, worshiping the Kalsu Goddess, awing the view while some of I was still in the moment.

Shadow of the mountain.

       I started heading back with a ton of pictures and loads of memories. Had breakfast at the local stall [Ofc had maggie!😁]  and slowly marched downwards. The number of visitors increased as the time passed and humans' closest relatives (monkeys) began to show up, which were the only animals I got to see, considering the stories I heard my expectations were a little high. Reached the Bari village in less than 2 hours and headed the journey back home after having the completely traditional Maharashtrian lunch.


              Kalsubai trek is truly filled with it's own adventures and it's energy just makes it more fun for a solo trekker as well as group. If you are thinking to do this trek, I highly recommend you to go for it without any doubts and also make sure you are at the top before sunrise, whether you start your trek early at 4 am or camp at the top for a night.
Trust the mountain and you will have nothing to regret about.

Per Head cost - Rs 1500 (including food)
Contact no. - 8847745402 / 7745024547(stay and food)




  1. According to u, what's the endurance scale of the trek ?

    1. If determined, the trek is quite easy and somewhat perplexed in between. Also the pain afterwards is totally bearable!

  2. This is a good information to the trekkers
    Very nice photography also πŸ‘

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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