
Showing posts from April, 2022

It Seems Unreal...

Trying to maintain a balance between mental health and physical health, seems unreal. Standing in the crowded train, swaying with the wind, seems unreal. Crossing streets during the traffic signal, life seems unreal. Travelling at night with the deep fear of getting lost with the music, seems unreal Becoming common in the public, seems unreal. Getting lost in the crowd of chaos and routine seems unreal. Is it the fate bestowing or just the 'now' happening? The biggest fear of loosing the self happens at the most tender moments of life. Just when you think this is all you ever wanted, life seems unreal; The subconscious feeling of getting detached in the presence of people seems unreal. Life seems unreal without a place in the world The illusion of a place in the world, too seems unreal The only brave thing is to keep hope in the misty fog of life; Just like a balloon left free in the open sky  To burst or to fly is the confusion But getting lost is constant. Just like a kite ti